Lotus bicycles actually began as Windsor bicycles pre 1980. Sidney Star created Alpha Cycle & Supply and had the Windsor brand manufactured by Acer Mex in Mexico City.
Ernst Joins Sid and Starts the Lotus Brand
Around 1980 Sid’s son Ernst Leaves a university job to join his father. He immediately modifies the Windsor’s design to be competitive in the US market. Ernst then creates and registers the Lotus brand and moves manufacturing to Tsunoda of Nagoya Japan. Organizational changes at the factory in Mexico created extra quality control attention. Sid and Ernst eventually formed Lotus International Corp. of Syosset, New York, to handle Lotus bicycles exclusively, dropping Windsor bicycles.
Lotus Comes Close to Bankruptcy

Unfortunately, the company depended heavily on outside financing to fund its growth. When its bank changed hands and upset the financing, the company was nearly forced into bankruptcy. A breach of contract suit followed with an undisclosed settlement. However, there was still a demand for Lotus bicycles, and the company was forced to deal with an assortment of third party distributors for financial services.
After Sid Star’s death in 1990, Ernst Star, who had assumed primary management of Lotus International, dissolved the company, subsequently forming International Licensing & Design Corp. (ILD) — retaining the Lotus brand.
Ernst Continues as Lotus Consultant
Ernst continued to work as a consultant for the design and marketing of the brand and acquired several licensees during the 1990’s. This included companies which marketed Lotus bicycles in China as well as in stores such as Sears, Walmart in the US, and Group Lotus (Lotus Cars) in the UK. However, ILD still exists but is no longer involved with Lotus since they sold the mark to Group Lotus prior to 2000. In 2000 Ernst Star returned to teaching and becomes a professor at Hofstra University in New York).
1985 – Receives top ratings in Consumers Reports November issue.

1990 – Sidney passes, Ernst dissolved the company. However, he continues the Lotus brand and forms International Licensing and Design Corp. Ernst is retained to work as a design and marketing consultant until the late 90’s.
2000 – Interestingly, Ernst goes back to teaching and becomes a professor at Hofstra University.
The Cinelli Designed models are thought to have been manufactured at the Chirico factory in Bussero, Italy. These models were built under the supervision of Cinelli craftsmen. In fact, the Chirico factory is where the very collectable, Centurion Cinelli Equipe was manufactured.
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